Saturday, June 4, 2011

Friday, and Saturday, June 3 & 4, 2011

These have been a good couple of days.  Friday morning, I paid the bills, and finished the paperwork Friday evening after dinner.  Before and after lunch, we visited two of Valdez’ three museums.  The Valdez City museum contained a history of the gold rush, information about the pipeline, and the Exxon Mobil oil spill.DSC01090

The afternoon museum contains artifacts from Old Town Valdez.  In March of 1964 (we were college freshmen so news did not enter our brains) Alaska had a 9.2 earthquake, which destroyed much of Valdez.  Businesses and residents were given two years to relocate to a new town 4 miles away that was on much more stable ground.IMAG0274

This morning, the 4th, we went to the Maxine & Jesse Whitney Museum.  Maxine ran a gift shop in Valdez where she sold Alaskan and Native artifacts, etc.  She left a wonderful collection of Native Art, stuffed animals, etc. to create this museum which is housed on the campus of the Prince William Sound College.DSC01091

After the museum, we climbed to the highest point in town to take pictures of the town and harbor.


Then it was time to drive through Old Town Valdez (all that is left is the foundation for the old Post Office), and the Pioneer Cemetery (it was in use from the 1890s to 1916 and was reconstructed off and on during the 1950s, 1970s, 1990s, etc.).DSC01104DSC01106

After lunch and a nap, we went to the Peter Pan Fish Market to get some fresh fish.  They had some Rock Fish for 5.50 per pound.  At the college, we had a free fish fry put on by the American Legion with fried halibut, smoked salmon, potato and macaroni salads, a cookie, and potato chips.  That was enough food that we do not need supper tonight.  In addition, they had a Coast Guard helicopter to view, and we saw it take off.IMAG0275IMAG0276

We did finally stop along the road, and take a picture of the Valdez Glacier, that we had not been able to see up close at the end of the road.DSC02906

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to follow along ... any chance you can add an RSS feed gadget so I can add it to my iGoogle reader?

    Safe and fun travels.
