We had to go to another Dollar Tree because we needed an anniversary card for my sister and brother-in-law. While in the store, Marilyn saw this dancing Hula Girl, and needed her for her garden. .
On Saturday, 18th we met Dennis and Carol Hill for lunch at Applebee’s here in Yuba City. It was a g00d Applebee’s, but the conversation about good times was the best. Dennis tried to prevent my taking a picture of Carol. . But, I got a picture anyway.
Sunday was a work around the house day. Marilyn cleaned, and I added some tombstone pictures to Ancestry.com. Monday was a Wal-Mart shopping day.
Today, we drove a whole 3 miles across the river to Marysville, CA for lunch at the Silver Dollar Saloon with our wonderful friends Frank and Gloria King. . They both looked good, and we thoroughly enjoyed both the lunch and the conversation.
. Next to and behind the Silver Dollar Saloon is the Portal, Pavilion, and Temple which commemorates the large Chinese population that was part of the founding of Marysville.
After lunch today, Marilyn and I drove 25 miles east of Marysville to Bridgeport Covered Bridge. The bridge was built in 1862 by David I Wood. At 229 feet in length, it is thought to be the longest single span truss /arch covered bridge in the US. It is also one of only nine remaining covered bridges in California, and is under re-construction. .
Love those covered bridges. We love them so much Bill and I did the Madison County ones twice in 24 hours, since I thought I lost my phone at one of them.