It has been interesting 10 days since my last blog.
We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend visiting our good friends Phil and Terri Tobin in Westtown, NY. We stayed at Pleasant Acres Farm Nd RV Park in Sussex, NJ. It is a very nice gated RV park where they give you two tokens per day to get back in if you leave. Not the cheapest, but it is the closest to the Tobin’s. Next time we visit, we will try their side yard, if we can get level.
We left on Tuesday, the 31st, driving east on I-84. After eating lunch at the CT welcome center, we started to get back on the road when we heard strange noises. We got out and found the Blue Ox tow bar connected through the bumper to the base plate which was hanging by the safety cables to the Jeep frame. The bumper and base plate were on the ground. . I got the bumper and base plate off, and the wires all tied up.
. Marilyn then got to drive the Jeep without signal lights while I drove the motorhome to Cape Cod. We are staying at Campers Haven in Dennisport, MA for the month of June.
Thursday morning, 6/2, we went to the local Jeep dealer. They said they did not do body work, but suggested Anchor Body Shop. Anchor said to bring it back Friday morning, and they would put the old bumper back on temporarily. Insurance is paying for everything above the deductible, and parts will be in next week.
So, Friday the 3rd, we spent the day walking around the mall across the street from Anchor Body Shop. They put the old bumper on, and we have signal lights. On the way home we stopped for our first lobster of the summer.. It was delicious.
Yesterday, the 4th,, we spent the afternoon at Cape Cod National Sea Shore visitors center. Today we have stayed in because it is misty, and it is supposed to rain heavy late this afternoon and evening.
The photos show the base plate problem better. Glad Larry could do a temporary fix.