Since the 25th of November, we have continued with our yearly doctor appointments; visited Paul & Peg Gifford in Lakeland, FL; attended the Memorial for our friend, Mike Pertick, at the National Cemetery; visited our friends Mitzi & Pete Hull in The Villages; had the rig washed and waxed; and got our new Night Therapy Elite 13” My-Gel Prestige Memory Foam Mattress – Queen. We enjoy sleeping on it.
On Monday, 12-15-14 we went to SeaWorld Carolyn Jarvis, Marge Dembsey and I were able to use our yearly passes to Busch Gardens for our entry and parking at SeaWorld. Thus, we only had to buy tickets for our spouses. On the 16th of December we celebrated the December birthdays of several of our friends by getting our Baby Back Rib Fixes at the Oakwood Smokehouse. Then we went to Busch Gardens on 12-18-14 for Christmas Time at Busch Gardens.
That’s it for activities, now for the pictures.
This is the entrance to SeaWorld. , followed by a picture of Larry Jarvis, Gordon and Marge Dembsey, Carolyn Jarvis and Marilyn Forbes.
Next we went to the Penguin Chow.
This was Marilyn’s favorite sign at the Penguin Show “Child Swap” pointing to a door.
Our next stop was the “Shamu Show”.
We couldn’t see Killer Whales without seeing the Dolphin Show.
As we were leaving SeaWorld we saw some Pelicans.
Now for a few Busch Gardens pictures. First is one of Larry, Carolyn and Marilyn.
We went to the Madagascar Live Show of music and dancing. It was loud, but enjoyable.
The music and dancing Christmas Show at the Pantopia Grill was very nice.
Then we went to the Moroccan Theater for the beautiful ice skating show.
Final pictures are the beautiful Christmas Town Lights.
Type at you later.