I was reading Sharon Del Rosario’s blog this morning. She said she had not written in a month, so I thought I should check to see if I was as delinquent as she was. I was not, because I wrote less than two weeks ago.
Since that time, we spent the first week getting ready to host the Escapees Chapter 57 Spring Rally here at Sumter Oaks RV Park. That week was followed by the rally, which we survived.
So, backing up to the first week, we celebrated Teddy Pearson’s birthday with a beer-thirty get together (happy hour at their rig) on Tuesday. We found out that Jack and Pat Mulhall were here in the park, so we went to Coyote Rojo’s for dinner on Wednesday with them and the Jarvis. Lunch on Thursday with the Jarvis, Hallidays, Mulhalls, Tobins, Schlemmers, and a couple of others, was at the Oakwood Smokehouse in Leesburg for barbecued ribs.
Friday, the 14th, was shopping day with the Jarvis at Sam’s, WalMart, etc getting ready for the start of the rally.
We had a busy start to the rally on Saturday with Larry Jarvis, Marilyn and Sandy McKeaN and I doing early registration from 1 to 3. Sunday, we continued registration, followed by social hour coinciding with the Park’s Ice Cream Social. Sandy and John McKean cooked our delicious hobo stew for dinner. Here are some pictures getting ready for the ice cream social, and having a good time. We had fun adopting the first-timers at a Florida Rally.
Monday was a rainy day, but the Park managers cooked a very delicious St Patrick’s Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage, so, on our schedule, we called it our dine-out-in.
People started gathering with their Greenery at breakfast. After dinner we had a Sing-a-long of old Irish songs led by Larry Jarvis.
The night was finished of with Lunde’s providing music for the ladies to dance by.
Tuesday was a busy rally day with a pancake breakfast, brown-bag lunch at the activity center, followed by (before they could leave) our business meeting. Then it was potluck for dinner followed by a real auction for Care. Sue Spahn makes an absolutely wonderful auctioneer (she had practiced with You-Tube videos). The auction raised over $1,700 for Care. Following are pictures of the brown-bag lunch and the potluck.
Wednesday, except for a 4pm social hour, was an open day for touring the area, and Thursday was hitches and hugs at a continental breakfast.
Now on Friday, the park seems to be clearing out, so we can sit back and relax.