We are located in Gimny-Bs RV Park near Foster, RI.
Tuesday, August 26th. Here are a couple of ocean pictures from our trip to Block Island. They were on Marilyn’s camera.
Wednesday, August 27. Denny and Susie Orr drove down from Bangor, ME to join us at Ginny Bs, and we had a wonderful social hour.
Thursday, August 28th. The four of us drove to Providence, RI to tour the Capitol. We had a nice guided tour. Here is a picture of Marilyn, Susie and Denny with the Capitol in the background. Next are another picture of the Capitol, the inside of the dome, and Rhode Island’s copy of the Liberty Bell.
We also walked down to the Roger Williams Memorial Park.
Friday, August 29. Once again, the four of us drove in to Providence. This time we took the Trolley Tour of the City. The following picture was taken out the trolley window of the trolley reflection in the glass wall of a building.
After the trolley tour, the four of us walked to Federal Hill where we found Angelo’s Italian Restaurant. Even Guy Fierri recommends it.
Our food was reasonable and very delicious. It turned out to be an absolutely wonderful place to share and celebrate Denny and Susie’s 50th wedding anniversary.
Congratulations Susie and Denny.
Hugs, and type at you later.